This is one of the few times we’ve actually seen a nootropic supplement take complete leverage on the nootropic industry with the name Smart Pill. The branding has a ring to it – Simple, and to the point.
Coming from supplement maker, Only Natural, Smart Pill makes some pretty bold claims regarding their pills being completely natural, whilst maintaining good quality, and delivering on those promises. This is their niche – or Only Natural’s niche, for that matter. They create supplements, in this case Smart Pill, with the highest quality extracts and vitamins, including a number of ingredients not commonly seen in some of the nootropic supplements out there. The real question is: can Smart Pill’s “fast acting super potent formula” beat that of Lumonol’s (aka our top rated product)?
Nootropic Ingredients
Gingko Biloba extract 250mg
Gotu Kola 250mg
Ginseng 100mg
Capsicum 50mg
L-Phenylalanine 200mg
L-Glutamine 500mg
L-Tyrosine 200mg
GABA 300mg
B1 50mg
B3 50mg
B5 100mg
B6 50mcg
B12 500mcg
Folic Acid 200mcg
Inositol 100mg
Phosphatidylcholine as Lecithin 500mg
RNA 100mg
TMG 50mg
Just taking a look at the ingredients that Only Natural has employed in Smart Pill leads us to believe that yes, they aren’t using the ingredients that we see every day in most nootropic products. For example, there’s Ginseng, which has been shown to increase focus and concentration levels, and is a naturally occurring, as opposed to some of the synthetically produced substances some other manufacturers put in their pills. Another one would be RNA, which has been shown in some studies to enhance memory – also naturally occurring, but this time, in the body.
Improvements in our opinion would be to remove the GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid) as the argument that GABA cannot cross the blood-brain barrier (unless it is synthetically bonded with B3 Niacin in the form of Picamilon) is growing stronger by the day. Still, Smart Pill employs a number of smart choice multivitamins in its ingredients that although, not completely necessary, have been found to interact well with some of the other ingredients to possibly heighten the effects.
Brain Enhancing Effects (Results with any supplement may not be typical)
Our study of Smart Pill took place over a duration of around 6 weeks, in which some of us from the office participated as well. Every week participants would email in thoughts and experiences/progress made (if any).
Off the bat, a lot of our participants immediately noted how “clean” they felt on Smart Pill compared to other cognitive enhancement products available over the counter and online. Some even referenced a sort of detoxifying effect, similar to a detox drink or a juice cleanse. However, apparently, the effects were not as strong as some of the other nootropics available on the market. There were reports of boosts to focus and some of our participants achieved varying states of mental clarity. These boosts were not as high as present in some of the other nootropics that we’ve conducted trials on, though… Not a bad thing if you are a beginner to nootropic supplements, or overly susceptible to their effects.
At the end of our trials, our tests showed that there were only slight increases to focus and concentration, however, still notable. What was shocking was the potential enhancement in our participants’ memory capabilities. Using Lumosity to measure improvements, short term memory related challenges involving recall returned promising results.
Side Effects
Not much beyond the usual mild headaches, and sleep disturbances. Despite that, most of the side effects were easily controlled with some tweaking with dosages to get them right. This is actually one of the biggest reasons why most users suffer from side effects – due to the inconsistencies in the “proper” dosages between two people.
Readers’ Score and Price
The majority of our readers who have sent us emails regarding Smart Pill have sent us generally positive reviews regarding it. However, there were also those that have sent us emails commenting that it wasn’t as good as some of the other nootropics that they’ve tried before. When you factor in the low price of $32.99 for a 30 day supply, you can forgive Smart Pill for not shining as bright market leader Lumonol.
Smart Pill is a relatively clean nootropic, and produced little in the way of side effects. Smart Pill still comes in above some of the other brain enhancing supplements, with its niche of good-quality, natural ingredients. When it comes to results, however, Smart Pill was unable to topple Editors’ Choice 2015 Winner LumUltra.
If you are on a budget, or new to the world of nootropics then you can’t go far wrong with Smart Pill. If you however want to push yourself beyond current limits, then you’ll be needing something with a little more oomph. Score for Smart Pill: 8.4 out of 10